Hi , it’s Julie
If you’ve made it to this page it tells you're ready to ditch the endless dreaming and learning about writing, and actually write some stories!
I’ve been helping people take their dream of being a writer and turn it into reality, since 2010.
I’ve seen people:
- unlock blocks that had lasted years
- get teary-eyed when they realize the impact their writing could have on another soul
- finish their first stories, and their second and their three hundredth.
I’ve lost count of the number of people, from beginners to extremely experienced writers, who have delightedly told me about the upcoming publication of a story that began life in one of my challenges or workshops.
And hearing that never gets old!
There are people in the StoryADay community who have gone on to sign with agents and publish books, and there are people who are simply living a happier, more fulfilled life, because they’ve given themselves the permission and the framework in which to write.
The I, WRITER Course uses this framework to help you create a writing life you can love.

So what is this framework?
It’s a way of approaching the writing life that lets you truly embrace the identity of writer, that helps you make consistent progress, and that focuses on complete works of fiction,--- not fragments or exercises, but stories you can actually use to further your goals as a writer.
It’s a framework you’ll spiral through again and again, at every stage of your writing journey and that will help you break down your next step, so you need never be overwhelmed again.

What's the I, WRITER Framework?
First we talk about “I” for "Imagine".
Mindset, making time, and finding ideas are important parts of visualizing and implementing a writing life, so we start there.
W stands for "Write", and in Module 1 of the I WRITER Course, we dive into how to take an idea from Spark to Story and talk about the importance of First Drafts.
Then you’ll choose from two story assignments -- one short and one long-- implementing the ideas you shook loose during the module and building your confidence.
The R of the I WRITER Path is for "Refine". In Module 2 we’ll look at ways to refine your process including discovering your ideal mentors and using a time-tested tool for learning from the masters.
I stands for “Improve”. In Module 3 we’ll explore a form of short fiction that allows you to write a lot of stories in a short time, giving you lots of opportunities to try out new ideas and genres and craft techniques, while still completing the story.
T stands for "Triumph". This module picks up on the mindset parts of writing again, as we learn about the importance of celebrating every win on your journey, We’ll also dig into the art and craft of creating compelling characters that your readers will love to celebrate. And, as in every module, there are more story prompts.
E is for "Engage". By this point in the course, you’ll be relaxing into the rhythm of regular writing, but, looking forward, it’s going to be important to engage with the wider writing and reading communities, in order to make your habits stick. Also, we’ll look at conflict as a way of engaging readers more deeply with your stories.
The final R of the I WRITER Path stands for "Repeat". If you’re in this for the long haul, you need to repeat each step of this framework, at each stage of your writing journey. We’ll look at mistakes to avoid in your writing, and create a plan for the future of your writing life.
What's In The I, WRITER Course?
- A structured 6-module pathway through workshops designed to get you writing and increase your skills.
- Bite-sized portions with exercises you can complete at your own pace.
- A dedicated online portal, with videos and transcripts and worksheets and assignments that you can complete at your own pace, but I won’t overload you, because I want to make sure you have plenty of time to write each week’s assigned stories.
- 2 short story assignments a week - pick one or do both.
You’ll write have 11 optional story assignments, five of which will be very short, five of which will be longer, and the final story, that brings together everything you've learned.
It’s a challenge, but I think you’re up to it.

Working with Julie...

Susanna Reilly
Julie is smart, funny, knowledgeable and personable. Her insights on character development were very helpful and useful.

Christopher Alden
Julie’s advice, examples and insights always help my writing!

Ella Remmings
Julie Duffy's knowledge, insights, and practical tips were so clear and compelling that the only thing left to do is use them. Immediately!
This Is For You If...
Ok, no fancy hard-sell: this course is for you if you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t figured out how to be consistent yet.
- It’s for you if you’re daunted by the road ahead and want a roadmap
- It’s for you if you need a solid excuse to pull yourself away from all your other obligations and look after your creative self from time to time.
- It’s for you if you often start writing in a burst of enthusiasm only to get frozen, overwhelmed and sabotaged by insecurities.
- It's for you if you're willing to use short stories to learn writing techniques that scale up for use in any storytelling venture from novels, to memoir, to business writing.
- It’s for you if you keep coming back to writing but would rather make it your permanent home.
- It’s for you if you’ve recently realized that this life is not a dress-rehearsal and you need to get started on your real legacy.
- It’s for you, if you have a sense of humor and believe that a rising tide lifts all boats.

When I discovered the trick to being consistent in my writing I went
- From someone who couldn’t finish a single story
- To someone who writes whenever she wants,
- Enters contests and publishes stories.
- I’ve written four novels.
- And best of all, my family sees how seriously I take my writing and they actively encourage me to pursue it...if only because they like me better when I’m all happy and fulfilled after a writing session.
I want that for you.
So what do you say? Wanna spend the next six weeks writing and geeking out about fiction?
I promise I’ll make it fun.Â
All you have to do is promise to turn up.Â
Click the link and I’ll see you inside the StoryADay I, WRITER Course.
Course Dates
How Is The Course Delivered?
What's In Each Module?
Is There A Guarantee?

Neha Mediratta
"If I would have been doing this on my own, it would not have happened in a year's time"

"If you need something to encourage you to have a particular momentum in your life, this will be a good step."