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A Year of Writing Weekly

Who will you be–and what will you create–in the next year, with a consistent writing habit in place?

  • Feel the relief of finishing stories that satisfy you and delight readers
  • Enjoy the rock-solid identity of “writer”
  • Regularly experience the high of losing time to the writing flow 
Step into endless inspiration and creativity with weekly short story prompts and coaching, delivered right to your inbox, so you never go more than a week without writing.
Weekly Writer-to-Writer letters from StoryADay founder Julie Duffy
PLUS a weekly writing lesson and prompt
PLUS bonus downloads including worksheets, checklists
PLUS 4 x ebook versions of the prompts

Congratulations! You're one step away from making time for your writing every week for a whole year!

 "Write one short story a week…at the end of the year you have 52 short stories, and I defy you to write 52 bad ones. Can't be done."